Simplicity Web Design was setup by us Glenn & Nigel, two friends with a passion of getting people a better deal and showing better ways to promote a clients business’s. Glenn has over 20 years experience building, maintaining and promoting websites on the internet while Nigel has almost 30 years experience in a sales and marketing background.

Together we discovered that many business’s were paying over the top prices for web design, extra charges for SEO, landing pages and Google Analytics and between us we just could not understand how some companies out there do not offer all of this as part of the price their clients pay.

We saw this as an opportunity to create Simplicity Web Design offering our clients and all in one solutions for business’s to thrive online. So we started with this in mind putting to use our skills in the area and creating great websites without any of the hidden of the extra charges that other web design companies are offering out there.

So that’s a little bit about us, now we want to know about you and what we can do to help your business.

Thanks for your time

Glenn & Nigel